Company Overview
Heavyweights of the Energy Industry
We have over 200 years combined experience in the energy industry and our expertise spans the project value chain from early-phase project assessment right through the gas sales, including project management.

Upgrading Methane to Realise Value
Methane upgrading is the process of converting low concentration, often waste streams of methane gas (<50% methane or CH4) into higher-concentration commercial streams (95%+ CH4) that can be sold and used as pipeline natural gas, transportation, or generating hydrogen fuel.
Waste methane or biogas from coal mines, landfills, waste-water treatment plants, and anaerobic digestion is upgraded to produce Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) or biomethane.
RNG has a lower carbon intensity than fossil-fuel natural gas because it utilises methane that would otherwise escape to the atmosphere, where it is at least 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) – and hence RNG is a key part of clean-energy, net zero emissions initiatives around the world.
"At Future Gas Solutions we know that hydrogen will play a vital role in decarbonising our energy systems, and so we are currently exploring innovative hydrogen technologies. Please watch this space for more happening in this exciting area!"
Martha Hackshaw
Methane Upgrading Technology
Future Gas Solutions offer market-leading technologies to purify and enrich low-concentration and high-contaminant streams of fugitive methane to pipeline gas quality with lower costs and greater recoveries than current methods, helping our customers to realise more value from their emissions.